About Little Ferns...

Forest kindergartens in Europe have been widely studied and proven to strongly support students’ academic, physical, social and emotional development. At Little Ferns, we work to develop 21st-century thinking skills in our students- skills such as creativity, resilience, perseverance, and thinking outside the box. Each day in the fields and forest, children perform fun, inspiring, challenge-oriented tasks as they gain invaluable individual/group education and connections that prepare them for kindergarten and beyond.
Children have the freedom to explore, play, build, create, imagine, and use their senses to experience the outdoor environment and engage with one another. Our sessions are carefully planned and led by trained forest school practitioners. In the sessions, children can sing around a fire, learn to use and make tools, build dens, dig in the mud, identify bugs with magnifying glasses, retreat to their teepee for reading and writing, hold a turtle and pet a chinchilla.